
航空航天, Physics and Space Sciences

Welcome To The Department Of 航空航天, Physics And Space Sciences


The mission of the Department of 航空航天, Physics and Space Sciences is to guide the next generation of engineers and scientists into careers they will love, to understand the 物理 of the universe, and drive humanity’s future in the air and in space.



Welcome to the Department of 航空航天, Physics and Space Sciences!

It is a remarkably exciting time to be part of the aerospace, 物理 and space sciences global community. We are experiencing a rapid advance in technology that is driving substantial growth in astronautics and 航空. This same growth is also enabling us to probe the 物理 of the universe in more and more detail.

Computational fluid dynamics drives our understanding of atmospheric interactions with a range of vehicles and the behavior of spacecraft propellants once weightless. Astrodynamics determines the trajectories of spacecraft and how they may interact with each other during complex and complementary maneuvers. Each of these fields are on the critical path for returning us to the moon, 把我们送上火星, and designing future satellite missions.

We are also seeing fundamental breakthroughs in particle 物理 with the detection of the mass-providing Higgs Boson at the LHC, advances in our understanding of lasers and lightning, and regular missions to the 国际空间站. We are probing the solar wind like never before, supporting interplanetary missions and those missions that have left solar system, and uncovering the nature of massive stars and the extreme environments at the centers of galaxies created by supermassive black holes.

航空航天, Physics and Space Sciences students and faculty are right there at the forefront of these activities and in many cases leading them. 

We are committed to providing undergraduate and graduate students with the tools they need, both in the classroom and the reSearch environment, to become the next world leaders in the fields of astronautics, 航空, 物理, 天体生物学, 天文学 & 天体物理学和行星科学. These skills include mastering the core fundamentals of math and 物理 regardless of the major, and the application of the critical thinking skills needed to solve complex original problems. Such training makes our graduates very attractive to employers. There are multiple career opportunities available that include working for a  full range of aerospace companies, 国家研究实验室, 联邦政府, 国防部门, 高科技公司, 和大学. 

亚洲博彩平台 offers benefits unavailable at most other schools. We are one of the largest programs in the county in one of the smallest schools. This means our students enjoy getting to know many like minded individuals and professors that are regularly available to direct reSearch and spend valuable time outside of the lecture room. 我们与NASA的密切关系, our ties to the global space community, 以及我们太空海岸的位置, ensures many opportunities for experiences with the cutting edge instrumentation that forms the back-bone of our space-based ambitions.

If any of these areas sound like something you'd like to make a career out of, then we might just be the place for you.







Farah Shaaban's journey across the globe to 亚洲博彩平台

航空航天 Engineering Alumnus Embarks on 15th Expedition to Flashline Mars Arctic 研究 Station

航空航天 Engineering Alumnus Embarks on 15th Expedition to Flashline Mars Arctic 研究 Station

Andy Greco ’10 served as lead engineer, conducting a two-week simulation in one of the most Mars-like environments on Earth.

Joe Bussenger ’13: Launching into a New Era

Joe Bussenger ’13: Launching into a New Era

Bussenger, who recently left SpaceX for a new role with Relativity Space, received the 2024 Jerome P. Keuper杰出校友奖.
